Berthing Guidelines

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The port provides round the clock pilotage to all ocean-going vessels calling the Port. A total of 21 Pilots are on JNPA Roll. A fresh interview for filling up of the vacant posts of Pilots is to be held shortly.

Brief details of Ports Floatilla's :

A total of 8 hired tugs are on round the clock duty.

a) Four (4) tugs of 50 tonnes Bollard pull from M/S Ocean Sparkle Ltd.

b) Four (4) tugs of 60 tonnes Bollard pull, one (1) M/s KNK Ship Management & Three(3) from M/s Polestar Maritime Ltd.

 All tugs have fire fighting equipments and are equipped to deploy equipment for spraying oil spill dispersants to contain oil pollution. 

d) A total of 4 Pilot Launches (Speed Boats), 2 Patrolling Launch (Speed Boat) and one Multi-Purpose Utility Launch are on charter hire.

e) 2 VIP launches (speed boats) are owned by JNPA

Regular co-ordination of vessel movement is being carried out through collection, verification, organization and dissemination of information through this system in conjunction with the master control station at Mumbai Port Trust premises. The existing combined VTMS of Mumbai Port and JN Port is being replaced. The tendering for the same was done by Mumbai Port and the work has been awarded to MS Wartsila Voyage Ltd on the 22nd July 2020 at a cost of Rs. 16.20 crores. The entire system shall be developed, integrated, tested, commissioned and handed over within a period of 270 calendar days.

Provision of Shore Power to ships calling JNPA is required to be submitted in the vessels profiles GD in indianpcs 1x site by all vessels calling in JNPA to be uploaded as per attached xls sheet it is required to be filled by all vessels and upload by their respective agents.

Click Here

Anti-Pollution measures:

  1. The pollution control cell carries out regular inspection of J N Port channel and berth area to check the Oil Spill.
  2. Regular planned drills are being conducted every week in each tug in rotation to check the Oil Spill Dispersant spraying systems.
  3. The Port has provided reception facility for ship generated garbage as per Regulation 7(1), Annex-V of MARPOL 73/78 through below mentioned private party to the vessels calling JNPA.
    Sr. No. Name of the Party Validity period / Remarks
    01 M/s.Harikrupa Prakalpagrastha Berojgar Seva Sahakari So. Ltd.
    Hanuman Koliwada,
    Post & Tal. – Uran,
    Dist.: Raigad – 400 702.
    E mail ID : patilvighnesh2134[at]gmail[dot]com
    Contact No.: 8652858501, 8169506077
    Valid from 01/03/2021 to 28/02/2023
  4. The Port is providing reception facility for ship generated oily waste as per Annex-I of MARPOL 73/78 through below mentioned private parties to the vessels calling at JNPA
    # Name of the Party

    Point of Contact for reception facility of Marine Department

Oil Spill Response Facilities at JNPA

  1. To combat the oil spill around JNPA and Mumbai Harbour, a common oil spill response Tier- I facility (spillage upto 700 MT) is set up at Jawahar Dweep, Mumbai Port Trust through M/s. Sadhav Shipping Ltd., Mumbai as per the Memorandum of Understanding between Mumbai Port Trust, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust and other public and private sector oil companies. M/s. Sadhav Shipping Ltd. has prepared Oil Spill Response Contingency Plan for Mumbai & JNPA Harbour
  2. JNPA has also carried out the oil spill risk analysis and prepared the Local Contingency Plan based on the risk analysis conducted by National Oceanography and same has been vetted by Indian Coast Guard.
Oil Spill Response Contingency Plan developed by JNPA
JNPA'S Port Waste Management Plan (for ship generated wastes)

JNPA Fire Service

JN Port is having full-fledged fire service with centralized Fire Station running round the clock with qualified and experienced fire professional trained from National Fire Service College, Nagpur.

The following fire protection facilities are available at JN Port:

  • Fixed Fire Fighting System:

    The following Fixed Fire Fighting Systems are available at JN Port to combat various types of Fire hazard. These systems are designed and commissioned as per the standard of NFPA, Bye-Laws of Government of Maharashtra Fire Protection System and latest National Building Code guidelines.

    These systems are manned and maintained by the contractor round the clock

    • Sea Water Fixed Fire Fighting System at JNP Container Berth, Shallow Water Berth and Import -Export yards at JNPA.
      • The control philosophy of sea water pumping system is considered fully automatic operation of pumps and control systems. Normally, system is kept pressurized at a pressure of 10.5 kg/cm2 to take care of minor leakage from the system. When there is leakage of water, jockey pump starts automatically so that the system pressure is maintained.
      • In case, when any landing valve is opened, the water pressure in the respective network will drop resulting in automatic starting of Jokey pump.
      • When the pressure in the hydrant network falls below a preset value, the electric motor driven water pump will start automatically and jockey pump which was in operation shall stop automatically. In case the electric motor driven main water pump fails to start, the diesel engine driven stand by water pump starts. There are separate control panels for electric, instrumentation and diesel engine.
      • The complete system is provided with auto as well as local mode of operation. The local mode of operation is override the auto mode. Individual selector switches (Local/auto/Off) are provided for drives of pumps. For jockey pumps, the selector switches also have a selection for reserve pump. The selection of working and reserve pump depends upon the operations choice. The status of various pumps (On, off, trip) are available in the control panel.
    • Smoke Detection and Fire Alarm system, Water Sprinkler System at basement car parking area and Pressurized Water Yard Hydrant System in and around Administration Building of JN Port.
    • Pressurized Water Yard Hydrant System and Water Sprinkler System & Alert Public Alarm, Wireless Smoke Detection System installed at the Port User Building of JNPA.

      The above fire-fighting systems installed by considering the location encompassing the various hazardous areas. The specification covers Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the system complete with civil structural, electrical, instrumentation, hoisting and handling facilities. These systems are manned and maintained by contractor round the clock.

      Following fixed fire-fighting systems are also provided in and around the port vicinity to combat fire hazard.

      • High-velocity water spray system (HVWSS) for 4 MVA Transformer located at Electrical Substation E-6A at JNPA
      • In case, when any landing valve is opened, the water pressure in the respective network will drop resulting in automatic starting of Jokey pump.
      • Fixed Fire Protection System at Hazardous Bund area at JNPA.
      • Total Gas Flooding System (FS 125) at CTCC located at POC Building and PMC located at Administration Building at JNPA.
      • Pressurised water yard hydrant system, smoke detection and fire alarm system at JNPA Training Centre.
      • Fire Hydrant System at JNPA township area.
      • Smoke Detection and Fire Alarm System and Pressurised Water Hydrant system in and around Guest House No.2 at JNPA.
    • Pressurised Water Yard Hydrant System (PWYHS) inclusive of Automatic Sprinkler System and Alert Public Alarm Detection System (APADS) at JNPA Hospital
    • Design, Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of High Velocity Water Spray System (HVWSS) for one No. 10 MVA and 02 No. 5 MVA Transformers located at Electric Sub-Station-E-7
    • "Letter of Acceptance" issued to M/s Wadia Body Builders, Ahmedabad vide LOA No.-JNP/SEZ/F&S/FIRE TENDER/2021/515 dated 13.08.2021 in respect of "Design, Build, Supply, Testing and Commisioning of one Multi-purpose Fire Tender, One Water Bowser and one Ambulance for JNPA SEZ".
    • "Letter of Acceptance" issued to M/s Prudent Controls Pvt. Ltd. vide LOA No.-JNP/MARINE/F&S/ADMIN-FFS/2021/528 dated 19.08.2021 in respect of "Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commisioning and Three years Manning Maintenance of pressurized water yard Hydrant system (PWYHS) inclusive of Automatic Sprinkler System at Administration Building of JNPA".

Equipment Available With Port for combating fire:

# Equipment Quantity (In No.)
01 Fire Water Tenders :
Water tank capacity: 6000 ltrs.
Pump discharge capacity – 2000 LPM
02 Fire Foam Tender :
Water tank capacity: 3000 ltrs.
Foam Tank Capacity : 800 ltrs.
DCP Fire Extinguishers(70 kg ) : 02 nos
CO2 Fire Extinguishers(22.5 kg ) : 04 nos
Pump discharge capacity – 2000 LPM
03 Multipurpose Fire Tender :
Water tank capacity : 5000 ltrs.
Foam Tank Capacity : 500 ltrs.
DCP Vessel : 500 kg
CO2 Fire Extinguishers (22.5 kg ) : 04 nos
Pump discharge capacity – 2000 LPM
04 Hazmat Cum Emergency Rescue Tender :
With several type of life saving equipments, cutting, spreading, lifting tools and water mist system to combat small fires, Light Mast with Generator facility.
05 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Sets :
(Open circuit type with positive pressure)
Air cylinder Capacity – 1800 ltrs.
Working Duration – 45 min.
Spare cylinders - 11nos.
22 Sets
06 Fire proximity suits 10
07 Fire Entry Suits 02
08 Chemical handling PVC suits 10
09 Total portable Fire Extinguishers (different type and capacity to tackle all types of fires during incipient stage.) 1014

Port is having different type and capacity of Fire extinguishers such as Foam, Carbon di-oxide (CO2) Dry Chemical Powder (DCP), Clean Gas Agent and Water type (stored pressure type) installed at different locations of port area as per the potential fire hazard to tackle all types of fires during its incipient stage.