JNPA is the premier container Port in India and among the top 35 major container Ports globally. The Port is constantly evolving to simplify and streamline processes with fully automated and integrated container services along with seamless connectivity, ensuring total transparency and Ease of Doing Business.
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Ease of Doing Business
Aligning with the direction of the ministry, the Port has initiated activities under Ease of doing Business and significant results were achieved in reducing cost and time for EXIM trade. JNPA had made a three pronged approach.
1. Improvement of Infrastructure
Under improvement of infrastructure, JNPA created adequate sea side and land side capacities. This includes development of Container Terminals, Liquid Bulk/general cargo handling facilities, Deepening and widening of Marine Channel, development of parking yards/ Centralized Parking Plaza, and dry ports, installation of Container Scanners, allotment of offices to PGAs in port, Widening of roads and other infrastructure projects.
1. Development of Integrated Centralized Parking Zone for Parking of Tractor Trailers
JNPA has developed Centralized Parking Plaza with an objective to provide parking facility for trucks carrying export containers and enable completing pre-gate entry formalities and documentation for export etc. under one window system. The parking area is developed in an area of 45 Ha for parking of 2,832 Trailers and have all the facilities like Custom documentation system, banking, cafeteria, dormitory for truck drivers and many other facilities to give comfort to the drivers.
The Centralised Parking Plaza is made operational w.e.f. 26.10.2020. The work of all the three Parking Plazas viz. JNPCT, NSICT,/NSIGT & GTI has been shifted to Centralized Parking Plaza to provide a single point Documentation processing Area for export of all Direct port Entry self-sealed containers from Nhava Sheva, Mumbai Customs-II. This has reduced congestion of parked container trucks on JNPA roads and helped the respective Terminals to plan their TT movements in a better way.
The necessary infrastructure for open container examination is built and operation of open container examination commenced at CPP from March 07, 2022. Buffer yard operation commenced at Centralised Parking Plaza from 12.09.2022
2. Widening of Port roads
i. Port Highways:
To cater to the future traffic, JN Port, through NHAI, has awarded the work of widening of 43.9 Kms. length of NH 4B, SH 54 and Amra Marg Linkages to 6 / 8 lanes along with two lanes service roads by SPV formed by JNPA, NHAI and CIDCO. The project work which was being executed on EPC mode in 4 civil packages was completed in April, 2022(Excluding de-linked part)
ii. Up gradation of Port roads outside Custom bound area leading to Main Gate:
The roads leading to Main Gate from NH-4B and SH 54 need upgradation due to increase in the traffic over the year. The concrete road will of 8 lane with proper drainage arrangement will be developed. The DPR is completed and DIB approval received. Tenders invited and work order is issued on 14th September 2021 after approval of the proposal by JNPA Board in its meeting held on 6th September 2021. The LOA has been issued to the lowest Bidder at a cost of Rs. 210.98 Crore on 14 September 2021. For third party inspection and quality control IIT, Bombay was appointed. The work commenced in December 2021 and is completed.
iii. Evacuation road for Container Terminal – NSIGT:
The widening of road is being done for faster evacuation of containerised cargo from North Gate. The approval for removal of mangroves under forest conservation act 1980 was granted by forest department along with the working permission in April 2021.The work commenced in May-2021 and Completed on 30th Sept. 2023.
3. Development of 4th Container Terminal –2nd Phase
In order to increase container handling facility at JNPA, the Port had awarded the project of developing 4th container terminals to M/s Bharat Mumbai Container Terminals Pvt. Ltd. (PSA) on DBFOT basis through a Concession Agreement on 6th May 2014. The project comprises of two phases – each phase comprises 1 Km of quay line, 16.5 mtrs depth at berth, 12 quay cranes, 46 RTG Yard cranes and 4 RMGC cranes for its rail yard generating capacity of 2.4 Million TEU (total 4.8 MTEU).
As per schedule, the work of Phase I was completed on 22nd December 2017 and put into operation with a capacity of 30 MTPA. The project work for Phase II of 30 MTPA capacity has commenced and is expected to be completed by April, 2025
4. Development of Additional Liquid Cargo Terminal
JNPA is developing an additional Liquid Terminal with the capacity of 4.5 Million tons for handling liquid cargo taking into consideration market demand. Cost of EPC Contract is Rs.181 Crores. The construction work is completed on 31st May 2023. Thereafter, it is proposed to outsource the O & M operations. For which tendering process is initiated. Meanwhile, the work of interim operation of new additional liquid berths has been awarded to M/s BPCL till new concessionaire commences operation.
5. Deepening and Widening of main Harbour Channel
JNPA completed dredging for deepening and widening of the Main Harbour Channel at JNPA from 14 meters to 15 meters for a total channel length of 35 kms in February-2019 at a cost of INR 2,029.17 Crore (US$ 285.78 million). Now, JNPA is in a position to handle the container vessels of 12,500 TEUs capacity, which was capped at 8,000 TEUs earlier. This is a significant 50% increase in the capacity of vessels that can berth at JNPA. The higher draft has enabled berthing of deeper draft vessels and as per commercial trends will lead to higher parcel size and reduced shipping and handling cost. This will facilitate more scale economies to the trade while exporting or importing through the JNPA.
6. Allotment of office space to PGAs for setting up Lab and Offices
In order to bring all regulators near the port area, the Port has allotted the office space to FSSAI, Animal Quarantine, Plant quarantine, Textile Commission, Drug Controller and Wild Life Bureau. Port has also allotted the land/office space to all PGAs to establish their office and laboratory with in port premises. Office and Lab. of Textile Committee is working at Port Users Building of JNPA. FSSAI has established their office at JNPA Township. FSSAI has appointed M/s. VIMTA Lab for Setting up and Operationalization of National Food Laboratory at JNPA (in PPP). M/s VIMTA Lab, Hyderabad has started laboratory at JNPA Township w..e.f 29.09.2021. Plant Quarantine’s office is functioning at Speedy CFS, JNPA and Lab. is functioning at Navkar CFS at Panvel. Animal Quarantine’s Lab. and Office both are functioning at Koparkhairane, Navimumbai. Drug Controller’s office and Lab. is functioning at JWR Logistic CFS. Wild Life Bureau have been allotted 400 sq. feet of office space at JNPA and they are exploring about the feasibility of opening laboratory there.
7. Commissioning of 15 e-RTGCs at JNP Container Terminal: Commissioned 15 New e-RTGCs
To improve export efficiency and faster loading operation. This has reduced diesel consumption and air pollution. Due to the commissioning of e-RTGCs in JNPCT, there is a cost savings of Rs. 86 Lakh/month. These e-RTGCs are handed over to NSFT as per concession agreement.
8. Commissioning of 14 RTGCs at APM Terminals
Gateway Terminals India (GTI) at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) has replaced 14 new Rubber Tyre Gantry Cranes (RTGCs) that has increased the productivity of stacking containers and hence improved the overall efficiency of container management at the terminal. The new RTGCs can lift up to a 50 tons load under a twin-lift spreader, compared with 40 tons under single lift spreaders, which were operating earlier. The new RTGCs have reduced the vessel waiting time and the overall time to handle the shipment at the port.
9. Commissioning of New RMQCs and RTGCs at NSICT
NSICT brought 4 New Post Panamax RMQCs and 8 RTGCs with 5 high stacking capacity as replacement of their 20 years old cranes. These cranes were commissioned in Sep-2020. Two more RMQCs were commissioned in Jan’ 2021. These cranes are with twin lift spreader in comparison with single lift spreader of old cranes which will enhance crane productivity.
10. Installation of Scanners
Installation of scanners by JNPA
i. JNPA is increasing the Security Profile by installing 3 Mobile Scanners at three container terminals of port i.e. JNPCT, DP World and APMT. One Mobile Scanner was put into operations on 30.03.2021 at JNPCT, remaining two mobile scanners at NSICT & APMT are operational from 25th June 2021.
ii. JN Port has also installed & Commissioned one Drive through Container Scanner (Road) at BMCTPL On 21/01/2023.
Installation of scanners by Customs
JNPA is also playing major role by providing infrastructure facilities to Customs for their following completed and upcoming Scanner projects.
i. JNPA has allotted land near PUB on the main route, for installation of one Drive through Container Scanner which was installed and commissioned by Jawahar Customs in Dec, 2018. JNPA has also developed additional access road to this Scanner which is passing behind PUB Building to avoid congestion of Scanning trailers on the main road. It has reduced the time for scanning of import containers to about one minute per truck.
ii. Customs is also shall be installing one Drive through Rail Container Scanner which will be used for scanning containers transported on rail for all the four Terminals. Port has allotted land at village Ranjanpada near Jasai Rail marshalling yard for this project. Port will also be providing other infrastructure facilities such as access road and water supply for this Project. 1 Rail Drive Through Container Scanner. Work Order dtd.. 28.06.2021 placed by DoL on M/s Smiths Detection. Construction Drawings submitted. The site preparation work in progress. Civil work likely to start by 15/04/2023.
iii. Customs shall be installing one mobile X-ray scanner for BMCTPL (Phase-II). Port has allotted land, electricity and other infrastructure facilities for this Project. Order placed by DoL on 21.01.2022, The Scanner shall be installed at Centralised Parking Plaza.
iv. One indigenously developed Scanner by BARC is to be installed by Customs/ DOL near PUB.
With the above projects, scanning process will be faster and hassle free. Trade will be benefitted with these Projects by saving both time and cost in logistics chain.
11. Development of Coastal berth
In order to give momentum to coastal shipping, JNPA has taken up the project of ‘Coastal Berth’. The work comprises of construction of 250 m long Coastal Berth with 2 trestles 94m long each with backup area reclamation of 11 hectares. Dredging to achieve the dredged depth of 11 m at Berth pocket backside of the berth is also proposed for handling port crafts with a dredged depth of 6m below CD. Capacity for handling liquid cargo of 1.5 MTPA and General Coastal cargo of 1 MTPA. It will reduce the delays caused due to customs formalities thus save time and enhance overall Trade. The construction work of the berth is completed in June, 2021 and trial operations commenced from 9th July 2021.
The new Coastal berth is clubbed with Shallow Berth for operationalization through PPP after carrying out feasibility study through M/s CRISIL. The License Agreement for Operations of Shallow Water Berth & Coastal Berth is signed on 15.11.2022 with M/s. NhavaSheva Distribution Terminal Pvt Ltd.
12. Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance & Transfer (UOMT) of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Container Terminal through PPP.
The Letter of Award (LOA) is placed on J M Baxi Ports & Logistics Ltd on 28/06/2022. The concession Agreement is signed on 29/07/2022 with the successful concessioner Nhavasheva Free Port Terminals Pvt. Ltd. The assets are transferred to the concessioner. The concessionaire NhavaSheva Freeport Terminal Pvt. Limited has commenced operations at this terminal from 14/02/2023.
13. Development of Integrated Common Rail Yard Facility at JNPA
At present JNPA is capable of handling DFC rakes at BMCTPL. ICD yard of BMCTPL is capable to handle 4 DFC rakes simultaneously. JNPA has developed an integrated common rail yard facility inside the port to handle DFC rakes destined for other terminals namely JNPCT, NSICT, GTICT &NSIGT. In the new Common Rail Yard, two new lines for handling double stack and long haul DFC rakes (length 1.5 Kms) have been commissioned.
14. 3rd line rail connectivity from Jasai to JNPA:
The work has been taken up to fulfil JNPA's obligation towards the concession agreement of Fourth Container Terminal. As per agreement, JNPA has to provide rail connectivity from FCT to Jasai Yard (11.3km). The work is entrusted to IPRCL. Work of mid-section between Jasai- JNPA yard is completed. Works in JNPA and Jasai holding yard are being executed through Central Railway and construction activity for minor bridges are in progress. Expected to be completed by February 2024.
15. Construction of Flyover Bridges near Y Junction and at North Gate Complex
Constructed and commissioned flyover bridges at Y-junction and North Gate Complex in November 2019 and May 2020 respectively. Y-Junction Bridge has facilitated smooth flow of APMT’s outgoing traffic whereas North Gate Bridge has ensured smooth outgoing traffic of JNPCT, NSICT and NSIGT.
16. Construction of Business Facilitation Centre
In order to provide office accommodation for various partners, Govt Agencies under one roof, it is proposed to construct two buildings to facilitate business of Port. One building will be located near to the Wharf to accommodate Port related activities under one roof and other commercial establishment. The second building will be outside Port area near to existing Custom Office to facilitate PGA and other commercial organization for better coordination under one roof. The Architectural Plan is completed and the project work has been awarded and work is in progress.
17. Development of Port Based SEZ
The JNPA SEZ Project became operational since June 2020. The first operations by the JNPA SEZ unit was reported on 24/06/2020. This is the first Port Based Multi Product Operational SEZ (PAN INDIA). The Port has completed the work of development of infrastructure in the SEZ area by investing Rs.565 crores to provide the necessary basic infrastructure for the industry to setup in JNPA SEZ.
Out of 277.38 Ha JNPA SEZ land, leasable land is about 162 ha (approx. 400 acres) in the SEZ , the lease is of 60 years, the allotment of land is carried out as per Port land policy guidelines (PGLM) through transparent e-tender cum e-auction process. About 100 ha. 62% of total leasable land) has been successfully allotted to 45 companies through transparent e-tender cum e-auction process (43 MSME including Food processing, engineering, pharma etc and 02 FTWZ). 10 No. of units have started their commercial operations.”
18. Development of Dry Ports at Jalna, Wardha, Nasik and Sangli for catchment of hinterland cargo
Dry Port in Jalna near Aurangabad district of Maharashtra is proposed to be constructed over an area of 182 hectares in phased development at an estimated Cost of Rs. 400 cr. The basic infrastructure work is completed including Rail Yard. Road work connecting to NH and Area levelling is awarded in Jan. 2021. Tenders are invited for PMC for the investment.
Dry Port in Wardha It is proposed to develop Dry Port along with MMLP through SPV with NHAI over an area of 140 hectares. The basic infrastructure work likely to be completed including Rail Yard. The basic infrastructure work likely to be completed including Rail Yard. It is proposed to develop Dry Port along with MMLP through SPV with NHAI. MoU between JNPA and NHAI is executed for MMLP on 22nd October 2021.
18. Berthing facilities for Ro-Pax / Ro-Ro vessels at Shallow Water Berth: Roll-on/Roll-off (RO-RO or Ro-Pax)
2. Simplification of processes
Under simplification of the process, the Port commenced the inter-terminal movements and dispensed with seal checking by CISF at the Gate. The Port also focused to increase the DPD deliveries and Direct Port Entry (DPE).
1. Inter Terminal transfer of Tractor Trailers
Inter-terminal transfers of Tractor Trailers i.e. lateral entry of TTs within the terminals commenced from March 2015 for making optimum use of TTs. This facility is used by 500 - 700 TTs every day. This initiative has reduced the load off from the road, further, it has led to saving of logistic cost to trade besides removing congestion.
2. Direct Port Delivery (DPD)
The Direct Port Delivery (DPD) was implemented at JNPA with the objective to expedites the delivery of import containers and reduce the cost of the transaction. The DPD facilitates the delivery of a container directly from the terminal without the conventional steps of transferring to a Container Freight Stations (CFS) where the Customs procedures are performed and the container is given ‘Out of charge’. This not only saves a cost of Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 20,000 per container for transportation and handling at CFSs but also the time in delivery of the consignment.
JNPA in association with Jawahar Customs took the following steps to promote the DPD scheme amongst the importers,
i) Removed threshold of minimum volume criteria of 300 TEUs. Importers with smaller volume can avail DPD.
ii) Stopped the practice of high deposits demanded earlier by the PPP terminals.
iii) Simplified the registration process. Registration at terminals now given based on only Customs permission.
iv) DPD cell created in all terminals.
v) JNPA started allotting a Common Uniform Code for DPD client to simplify the process from September 2018.
vi) Facility for On-Wheel drawl of samples was created for DPD containers in the terminals leading to evacuation directly from terminals even for cargo requiring PGA NOC from June 2018.
vii) Further, in order to bring transparency, Jawahar Customs has vided public notice 11/2020 has allowed importers who are availing DPD facility to pay Terminal handling Charges directly to Terminals operators instead of paying through Shipping lines. Terminals operators started the facility of the direct payment of Terminal Handling charges by importers w.e.f. 24.02.2020
viii) JNPCT removed DPD handling charges w.e.f. 24.02.2020
ix) All terminals removed DPD ICD handling charges w.e.f. 02.03.2020
The facility of DPD is well received by trade and the percentage of containers cleared under DPD have grown to 67% in FY 2022-23.
3. Direct Port Entry (DPE)
Direct Port Entry (DPE) is the facility created for exporters to bring in the export containers directly to port instead of routing it through CFS. Every factory stuff container was earlier required to proceed to CFS to get customs approval and then proceed to terminal gates. Conversion of Parking Yards/CPP as Customs Processing Area and facilitation of Customs operation led to a higher percentage of DPE. The exporters are currently benefitted by savings in the cost of Rs.2,000/- and in time of 1 day while resorting to DPE. DPE have grown to 45.51 % in FY 2022.23.
After commencement of new terminal of PSA (BMCT), operational issues arose in the handling of mixed trains i.e. trains carrying containers more than one terminal as the BMCT is 5.5 kms away from the existing Port Terminals. In order to solve these issues, JN Port made a determined effort for putting in place a new ITRHO agreement by drafting and framing operational procedures and cost calculations acceptable to all the terminals including BMCT & NSIGT. The ITRHO agreement was signed on 29th July 2019 which came into effect from 1st August 2019. With this new agreement between the terminals, the movement of rail containers between the terminals is streamlined.
As a result of the signing of the new ITRHO agreement, following benefits obtained:
i. The losses to the trade due to non-connection of export containers from BMCT and vice versa has been totally eliminated.
ii. This agreement has improved the competitiveness of JNPA terminals and increased both rail utilization and overall volumes.
iii. The handling of ICD volume of EXIM containers on BMCT rail handling facility has increased since the commencement of the new ITRHO agreement. This has also resulted in an increase of the average monthly placements of trains from 31 to 107 in BMCT Terminal.
iv. The average monthly dwell time of Rail Containers has reduced after commencement of the new ITRHO agreement.
3. Digitization of activities
Under digitization, the Form-13 and Form-11 have been made online. The RFID system was introduced for Gate access. Shipping Lines were facilitated PCS platform for the issuance of E-DO.
1. Introduction of E-form 13/Form 11
Form 13 and Form 11 are the documents by which entry of containers in the terminals are regulated. E-form 13/Form 11 have been introduced to reduce gate transaction time and to avoid manual data feeding by customers.
2. RFID Based Terminal Gate transaction
Introduction of RFID based Gate Automation System has ensured that the Gate transaction time is reduced from 10 minutes in April 2016 to 1 minute in March 2017. The RFID provides high-security profile.
3. Container tracking introduced for the first time in India
JNPA in association with DMIDC has commenced the tracking of containers moving towards and cleared from the terminals of JNPA. Transit integrity is now ensured by tracking of containers. The importers/exporters is now able to keep track of the container while in transit. The Project commenced on 11/7/2016. The system provides a Data Bank on Destination-Source matrix for containers in transit in India.
4. JNPA Call Centre
JNPA has started Call Center to give the information to JNPA Customers and other people regarding day to day quires through toll free phone number 1800 22 8282. The call center works 24 hrs.
5. JNPA - Mobile APP
JNPA has developed Mobile apps, which are faster these days giving a personalized content, instant updates, also productivity improvement and ease in interacting ways. JNPA has developed its mobile app to give the following information handy to its trade: a) Gives the brief summary about JNPA. B) Tariff for various services that JNPA gives. C) About port holidays and directory of internal & external like shipping lines, CFS etc. d) Application to track the containers inside and outside the port. E) Daily statistics report about berth and terminals handling. F) About shipping movements. G) Tidal & weather information. H) Traffic information around JNPA.
6. E Delivery Orders
In a major initiative to bring in ease of delivery of import containers, PCS driven e-DO module developed by IPA was introduced on 16/09/2016 and all major shipping lines are using the e -Do. The E-do facilitates quick and easier delivery and tends to reduce cost and time in the import supply chain. Presently e-DO is transmitted through upgraded PCS i.e. PCS 1x.
7. Up-gradation of PCS System
PCS 1x (an upgraded version of PCS) has been launched on 11th December 2018 which enables all stakeholders to exchange data/ transactions on the PCS 1x platform on a real-time basis. It offers a database that acts as a single data point to all transactions. This upgraded single window platform intends to integrate 27 maritime stakeholders at a common platform, including ICEGATE, DGFT and ToS as well. Currently, 26 stakeholders are on-board in PCS 1x System.
PCS 1x has provided one communication platform for all maritime stakeholders which has reduced the time and overall cost for documentary and border compliance for imports and exports by eliminating unnecessary duplication of activities on different portals.
8. Up-gradation of Navis System with Navis N4 Terminal Operating System
JNPCT upgraded Terminal Operating System to Navis SPARCS N4, which is the next generation Terminal Operating System (TOS), specifically designed to offer unparalleled value and grow with the customer at the lowest possible total cost of ownership (TCO).
9. Online Port Driving Permit
JNPA has started issuing online Port Driving Permit (PDP) to the truckdrivers entering JNPA terminals from 8th May 2023, thereby saving of time, paper and Seamless flow of traffic.
Under improvement of infrastructure, JNPA created adequate sea side and land side capacities. This includes development of Container Terminals, Liquid Bulk/general cargo handling facilities, Deepening and widening of Marine Channel, development of parking yards/ Centralized Parking Plaza, and dry ports, installation of Container Scanners, allotment of offices to PGAs in port, Widening of roads and other infrastructure projects.
JNPA has developed Centralized Parking Plaza with an objective to provide parking facility for trucks carrying export containers and enable completing pre-gate entry formalities and documentation for export etc. under one window system. The parking area is developed in an area of 45 Ha for parking of 2,832 Trailers and have all the facilities like Custom documentation system, banking, cafeteria, dormitory for truck drivers and many other facilities to give comfort to the drivers.
The Centralised Parking Plaza is made operational w.e.f. 26.10.2020. The work of all the three Parking Plazas viz. JNPCT, NSICT,/NSIGT & GTI has been shifted to Centralized Parking Plaza to provide a single point Documentation processing Area for export of all Direct port Entry self-sealed containers from Nhava Sheva, Mumbai Customs-II. This has reduced congestion of parked container trucks on JNPA roads and helped the respective Terminals to plan their TT movements in a better way.
The necessary infrastructure for open container examination is built and operation of open container examination commenced at CPP from March 07, 2022. Buffer yard operation commenced at Centralised Parking Plaza from 12.09.2022
To cater to the future traffic, JN Port, through NHAI, has awarded the work of widening of 43.9 Kms. length of NH 4B, SH 54 and Amra Marg Linkages to 6 / 8 lanes along with two lanes service roads by SPV formed by JNPA, NHAI and CIDCO. The project work which was being executed on EPC mode in 4 civil packages was completed in April, 2022(Excluding de-linked part)
The roads leading to Main Gate from NH-4B and SH 54 need upgradation due to increase in the traffic over the year. The concrete road will of 8 lane with proper drainage arrangement will be developed. The DPR is completed and DIB approval received. Tenders invited and work order is issued on 14th September 2021 after approval of the proposal by JNPA Board in its meeting held on 6th September 2021. The LOA has been issued to the lowest Bidder at a cost of Rs. 210.98 Crore on 14 September 2021. For third party inspection and quality control IIT, Bombay was appointed. The work commenced in December 2021 and is completed.
The widening of road is being done for faster evacuation of containerised cargo from North Gate. The approval for removal of mangroves under forest conservation act 1980 was granted by forest department along with the working permission in April 2021.The work commenced in May-2021 and Completed on 30th Sept. 2023.
In order to increase container handling facility at JNPA, the Port had awarded the project of developing 4th container terminals to M/s Bharat Mumbai Container Terminals Pvt. Ltd. (PSA) on DBFOT basis through a Concession Agreement on 6th May 2014. The project comprises of two phases – each phase comprises 1 Km of quay line, 16.5 mtrs depth at berth, 12 quay cranes, 46 RTG Yard cranes and 4 RMGC cranes for its rail yard generating capacity of 2.4 Million TEU (total 4.8 MTEU).
As per schedule, the work of Phase I was completed on 22nd December 2017 and put into operation with a capacity of 30 MTPA. The project work for Phase II of 30 MTPA capacity has commenced and is expected to be completed by April, 2025
JNPA is developing an additional Liquid Terminal with the capacity of 4.5 Million tons for handling liquid cargo taking into consideration market demand. Cost of EPC Contract is Rs.181 Crores. The construction work is completed on 31st May 2023. Thereafter, it is proposed to outsource the O & M operations. For which tendering process is initiated. Meanwhile, the work of interim operation of new additional liquid berths has been awarded to M/s BPCL till new concessionaire commences operation.
JNPA completed dredging for deepening and widening of the Main Harbour Channel at JNPA from 14 meters to 15 meters for a total channel length of 35 kms in February-2019 at a cost of INR 2,029.17 Crore (US$ 285.78 million). Now, JNPA is in a position to handle the container vessels of 12,500 TEUs capacity, which was capped at 8,000 TEUs earlier. This is a significant 50% increase in the capacity of vessels that can berth at JNPA. The higher draft has enabled berthing of deeper draft vessels and as per commercial trends will lead to higher parcel size and reduced shipping and handling cost. This will facilitate more scale economies to the trade while exporting or importing through the JNPA.
In order to bring all regulators near the port area, the Port has allotted the office space to FSSAI, Animal Quarantine, Plant quarantine, Textile Commission, Drug Controller and Wild Life Bureau. Port has also allotted the land/office space to all PGAs to establish their office and laboratory with in port premises. Office and Lab. of Textile Committee is working at Port Users Building of JNPA. FSSAI has established their office at JNPA Township. FSSAI has appointed M/s. VIMTA Lab for Setting up and Operationalization of National Food Laboratory at JNPA (in PPP). M/s VIMTA Lab, Hyderabad has started laboratory at JNPA Township w..e.f 29.09.2021. Plant Quarantine’s office is functioning at Speedy CFS, JNPA and Lab. is functioning at Navkar CFS at Panvel. Animal Quarantine’s Lab. and Office both are functioning at Koparkhairane, Navimumbai. Drug Controller’s office and Lab. is functioning at JWR Logistic CFS. Wild Life Bureau have been allotted 400 sq. feet of office space at JNPA and they are exploring about the feasibility of opening laboratory there.
To improve export efficiency and faster loading operation. This has reduced diesel consumption and air pollution. Due to the commissioning of e-RTGCs in JNPCT, there is a cost savings of Rs. 86 Lakh/month. These e-RTGCs are handed over to NSFT as per concession agreement.
Gateway Terminals India (GTI) at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) has replaced 14 new Rubber Tyre Gantry Cranes (RTGCs) that has increased the productivity of stacking containers and hence improved the overall efficiency of container management at the terminal. The new RTGCs can lift up to a 50 tons load under a twin-lift spreader, compared with 40 tons under single lift spreaders, which were operating earlier. The new RTGCs have reduced the vessel waiting time and the overall time to handle the shipment at the port.
NSICT brought 4 New Post Panamax RMQCs and 8 RTGCs with 5 high stacking capacity as replacement of their 20 years old cranes. These cranes were commissioned in Sep-2020. Two more RMQCs were commissioned in Jan’ 2021. These cranes are with twin lift spreader in comparison with single lift spreader of old cranes which will enhance crane productivity.
Installation of scanners by JNPA
i. JNPA is increasing the Security Profile by installing 3 Mobile Scanners at three container terminals of port i.e. JNPCT, DP World and APMT. One Mobile Scanner was put into operations on 30.03.2021 at JNPCT, remaining two mobile scanners at NSICT & APMT are operational from 25th June 2021.
ii. JN Port has also installed & Commissioned one Drive through Container Scanner (Road) at BMCTPL On 21/01/2023.
Installation of scanners by Customs
JNPA is also playing major role by providing infrastructure facilities to Customs for their following completed and upcoming Scanner projects.
i. JNPA has allotted land near PUB on the main route, for installation of one Drive through Container Scanner which was installed and commissioned by Jawahar Customs in Dec, 2018. JNPA has also developed additional access road to this Scanner which is passing behind PUB Building to avoid congestion of Scanning trailers on the main road. It has reduced the time for scanning of import containers to about one minute per truck.
ii. Customs is also shall be installing one Drive through Rail Container Scanner which will be used for scanning containers transported on rail for all the four Terminals. Port has allotted land at village Ranjanpada near Jasai Rail marshalling yard for this project. Port will also be providing other infrastructure facilities such as access road and water supply for this Project. 1 Rail Drive Through Container Scanner. Work Order dtd.. 28.06.2021 placed by DoL on M/s Smiths Detection. Construction Drawings submitted. The site preparation work in progress. Civil work likely to start by 15/04/2023.
iii. Customs shall be installing one mobile X-ray scanner for BMCTPL (Phase-II). Port has allotted land, electricity and other infrastructure facilities for this Project. Order placed by DoL on 21.01.2022, The Scanner shall be installed at Centralised Parking Plaza.
iv. One indigenously developed Scanner by BARC is to be installed by Customs/ DOL near PUB.
With the above projects, scanning process will be faster and hassle free. Trade will be benefitted with these Projects by saving both time and cost in logistics chain.
In order to give momentum to coastal shipping, JNPA has taken up the project of ‘Coastal Berth’. The work comprises of construction of 250 m long Coastal Berth with 2 trestles 94m long each with backup area reclamation of 11 hectares. Dredging to achieve the dredged depth of 11 m at Berth pocket backside of the berth is also proposed for handling port crafts with a dredged depth of 6m below CD. Capacity for handling liquid cargo of 1.5 MTPA and General Coastal cargo of 1 MTPA. It will reduce the delays caused due to customs formalities thus save time and enhance overall Trade. The construction work of the berth is completed in June, 2021 and trial operations commenced from 9th July 2021.
The new Coastal berth is clubbed with Shallow Berth for operationalization through PPP after carrying out feasibility study through M/s CRISIL. The License Agreement for Operations of Shallow Water Berth & Coastal Berth is signed on 15.11.2022 with M/s. NhavaSheva Distribution Terminal Pvt Ltd.
The Letter of Award (LOA) is placed on J M Baxi Ports & Logistics Ltd on 28/06/2022. The concession Agreement is signed on 29/07/2022 with the successful concessioner Nhavasheva Free Port Terminals Pvt. Ltd. The assets are transferred to the concessioner. The concessionaire NhavaSheva Freeport Terminal Pvt. Limited has commenced operations at this terminal from 14/02/2023.
At present JNPA is capable of handling DFC rakes at BMCTPL. ICD yard of BMCTPL is capable to handle 4 DFC rakes simultaneously. JNPA has developed an integrated common rail yard facility inside the port to handle DFC rakes destined for other terminals namely JNPCT, NSICT, GTICT &NSIGT. In the new Common Rail Yard, two new lines for handling double stack and long haul DFC rakes (length 1.5 Kms) have been commissioned.
The work has been taken up to fulfil JNPA's obligation towards the concession agreement of Fourth Container Terminal. As per agreement, JNPA has to provide rail connectivity from FCT to Jasai Yard (11.3km). The work is entrusted to IPRCL. Work of mid-section between Jasai- JNPA yard is completed. Works in JNPA and Jasai holding yard are being executed through Central Railway and construction activity for minor bridges are in progress. Expected to be completed by February 2024.
Constructed and commissioned flyover bridges at Y-junction and North Gate Complex in November 2019 and May 2020 respectively. Y-Junction Bridge has facilitated smooth flow of APMT’s outgoing traffic whereas North Gate Bridge has ensured smooth outgoing traffic of JNPCT, NSICT and NSIGT.
In order to provide office accommodation for various partners, Govt Agencies under one roof, it is proposed to construct two buildings to facilitate business of Port. One building will be located near to the Wharf to accommodate Port related activities under one roof and other commercial establishment. The second building will be outside Port area near to existing Custom Office to facilitate PGA and other commercial organization for better coordination under one roof. The Architectural Plan is completed and the project work has been awarded and work is in progress.
The JNPA SEZ Project became operational since June 2020. The first operations by the JNPA SEZ unit was reported on 24/06/2020. This is the first Port Based Multi Product Operational SEZ (PAN INDIA). The Port has completed the work of development of infrastructure in the SEZ area by investing Rs.565 crores to provide the necessary basic infrastructure for the industry to setup in JNPA SEZ.
Out of 277.38 Ha JNPA SEZ land, leasable land is about 162 ha (approx. 400 acres) in the SEZ , the lease is of 60 years, the allotment of land is carried out as per Port land policy guidelines (PGLM) through transparent e-tender cum e-auction process. About 100 ha. 62% of total leasable land) has been successfully allotted to 45 companies through transparent e-tender cum e-auction process (43 MSME including Food processing, engineering, pharma etc and 02 FTWZ). 10 No. of units have started their commercial operations.”
Dry Port in Jalna near Aurangabad district of Maharashtra is proposed to be constructed over an area of 182 hectares in phased development at an estimated Cost of Rs. 400 cr. The basic infrastructure work is completed including Rail Yard. Road work connecting to NH and Area levelling is awarded in Jan. 2021. Tenders are invited for PMC for the investment.
Dry Port in Wardha It is proposed to develop Dry Port along with MMLP through SPV with NHAI over an area of 140 hectares. The basic infrastructure work likely to be completed including Rail Yard. The basic infrastructure work likely to be completed including Rail Yard. It is proposed to develop Dry Port along with MMLP through SPV with NHAI. MoU between JNPA and NHAI is executed for MMLP on 22nd October 2021.
Under digitization, the Form-13 and Form-11 have been made online. The RFID system was introduced for Gate access. Shipping Lines were facilitated PCS platform for the issuance of E-DO.
Form 13 and Form 11 are the documents by which entry of containers in the terminals are regulated. E-form 13/Form 11 have been introduced to reduce gate transaction time and to avoid manual data feeding by customers.
Introduction of RFID based Gate Automation System has ensured that the Gate transaction time is reduced from 10 minutes in April 2016 to 1 minute in March 2017. The RFID provides high-security profile.
JNPA in association with DMIDC has commenced the tracking of containers moving towards and cleared from the terminals of JNPA. Transit integrity is now ensured by tracking of containers. The importers/exporters is now able to keep track of the container while in transit. The Project commenced on 11/7/2016. The system provides a Data Bank on Destination-Source matrix for containers in transit in India.
JNPA has started Call Center to give the information to JNPA Customers and other people regarding day to day quires through toll free phone number 1800 22 8282. The call center works 24 hrs.
JNPA has developed Mobile apps, which are faster these days giving a personalized content, instant updates, also productivity improvement and ease in interacting ways. JNPA has developed its mobile app to give the following information handy to its trade: a) Gives the brief summary about JNPA. B) Tariff for various services that JNPA gives. C) About port holidays and directory of internal & external like shipping lines, CFS etc. d) Application to track the containers inside and outside the port. E) Daily statistics report about berth and terminals handling. F) About shipping movements. G) Tidal & weather information. H) Traffic information around JNPA.
In a major initiative to bring in ease of delivery of import containers, PCS driven e-DO module developed by IPA was introduced on 16/09/2016 and all major shipping lines are using the e -Do. The E-do facilitates quick and easier delivery and tends to reduce cost and time in the import supply chain. Presently e-DO is transmitted through upgraded PCS i.e. PCS 1x.
PCS 1x (an upgraded version of PCS) has been launched on 11th December 2018 which enables all stakeholders to exchange data/ transactions on the PCS 1x platform on a real-time basis. It offers a database that acts as a single data point to all transactions. This upgraded single window platform intends to integrate 27 maritime stakeholders at a common platform, including ICEGATE, DGFT and ToS as well. Currently, 26 stakeholders are on-board in PCS 1x System.
PCS 1x has provided one communication platform for all maritime stakeholders which has reduced the time and overall cost for documentary and border compliance for imports and exports by eliminating unnecessary duplication of activities on different portals.
JNPCT upgraded Terminal Operating System to Navis SPARCS N4, which is the next generation Terminal Operating System (TOS), specifically designed to offer unparalleled value and grow with the customer at the lowest possible total cost of ownership (TCO).
JNPA has started issuing online Port Driving Permit (PDP) to the truckdrivers entering JNPA terminals from 8th May 2023, thereby saving of time, paper and Seamless flow of traffic.
Shri. S. K. Kulkarni, Dy. General Manager (Traffic)
022 2724 4198