We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Sagar Shreshtha Samman for achieving the best performance for turnaround time during the year 2022-23 from @shipmin_india The event was held during the launch of Harit Sagar

We are thrilled to announce that #JNPA has been awarded 'Best Port of the Year - Containerised' at the prestigious India Maritime Awards organized by Daily Shipping Times! Shri Unmesh Sharad Wagh, IRS, Deputy Chairman, JNPA, graciously accepted the award

Our first chairperson, Late Ms. Anna Malhotra, was honored by Shri Shripad Naik, Honble Union Minister for State Tourism and Ports, Shipping and Waterways, on International Day for Women in Maritime! The award was received by our General Manager

Shining Star in the Maritime World! Awarded MAJOR PORT OF THE YEAR - CONTAINERISED CARGO at MALA Awards. A proud moment as Shri. Sanjay Sethi, IAS, Chairman, JNPA receives the honor, steering towards new horizons.

पत्तन, पोत परिवहन और जलमार्ग मंत्रालय की ओर से अपने अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों को राजभाषा शील्ड योजना के तहत पुरस्कार प्रदान किए जाते हैं । इसी योजना के तहत जनेपप्रा को वर्ष 2013-14 से 2017-18 तक लगातार पांच वर्ष प्रथम पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ था। आज दि. 29/07/2023 को विज्ञान भवन, नई दिल्ली में संपन्न हिंदी सलाहकार समिति की बैठक में मंत्री महोदय श्री सर्बानंद सोनोवाल जी के करकमलों से श्री संजय सेठी, आईएएस, अध्यक्ष, जनेपप्रा को शील्ड और प्रमाणपत्र प्रदान किया गया। साथ में श्रीमती. मनीषा जाधव, महा प्रबंधक (प्रशासन) एवं सचिव तथा राजभाषा अधिकारी, जनेपप्रा भी उपस्थित थे|

ET Now Infra Focus Award for and Most Admired Central Entity in the Infrastructure Sector (Ports)

JNPA has been awarded as the Port Of The Year at the Maritime Excellence Awards. A proud moment as Mr. Girish Thomas, General Manager, Traffic, JNPA receives the award. We are honoured to be recognized at the Maritime Excellence Awards 2023!

We're thrilled to share the news that we've been honored with the and First Prize for the Best Large Stall" at GMIS 2023! This is a source of pride for all of us. We were presented with this award by Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai, Minister of S

JNPA has been awarded the distinguished 'Samudra Paryavaran Sanrakshan Trophy 2023' by the Indian Coast Guard

We are elated to share #JNPA is acclaimed with the 'BEST Global Ports of INDIA – Public Sector' award at the 7th edition of ATAL SHASTRA MARKENOMY Award. Shri G. K. Das, Chief Manager (FINANCE), JNPA accepted the award on behalf of #JNPort.

We take immense pleasure to share #JNPA is acclaimed with the 'Major Port of the Year- Containers Port category' award, at the 9th edition of the Samudra Manthan Award. #JNPA HODs received the award on behalf of the #JNPort.

JNPA adds another feather to its cap; Bags the Most Admired Central Entity promoting PPP (Ports) award

We take immense pleasure to share that Our Chairman, Shri Sanjay Sethi, IAS, was honored with the 'Dynamic Port Personality Award' at the "Maritime and Logistics Awards 2022". His expertise and contribution have taken #JNPort to new heights.

We are elated to share that #JNPA received the 'Major Port of the Year- Containerized Port category' award, at the "Maritime and Logistics Awards 2022". Our Chairman, Shri Sanjay Sethi, IAS, received the award on behalf of the #JNPort #MALA2022

Samudra Manthan - 8th International Samudra Manthan Awards 2021, JNPA was awarded 'Major Port Of The Year (Container)'

India Maritime Summit - JNPA won the award for ''Best Port of the Year (Containerised)'' at the 5th India Maritime Summit

MALA - JNPA was awarded the best ''Major Port of the Year - Containerised Cargo'' by Maritime and Logistics Awards 2021

JNPT received an award for the 'Best Global Port in India' at the 6th Atal Shastra Markenomy Awards'20

JNPT recognised for serving the trade in Northern India for 3 decades, at the Northern India Multimodal Logistics Awards 2020 during the 12th CONquest Business Forum

JNPT bagged the prestigious 'Best Port of the Year' (Containerised) Award at India Maritime Awards'19.

JNPCT awarded 'Best Performer of the Year 2018-19' at the JNPT Annual Award Ceremony.

JNPT received 'MALA AWARD 2019' for Container Handling Port of the year.

JNPT wins 'Public port of the year (containers)' at Samudra Manthan awards.

JNPT received an award for the 'Best Global Port in India' at the 5th Atal Shastra Markenomy Awards'19.

JNPT wins the Best Container Terminal Port Award and Indian Maritime Personality of the Year at The Gateway Awards 2018.

JNPT awarded with the Best Port of the Year Containerized at India Maritime Award.

JNPT won Container Handling Port of The Year and Port Personality of the Year at the Maritime and Logistics Award.

The District Level Award for Implementation of Hindi as an Official Language 2018.


JNPT wins the "Best Container Terminal Port Award" and "Indian Maritime personality of the year" at The Gateway Awards 2018.

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, India’s Premier Container Port has won “SamudraManthan-Caring Organisation of the Year” award organised by Bhandarkar Shipping, which is the leading publication of the maritime industry and has played the role of a business an

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) was awarded the Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar for the year 2016-17 in the category of B & rsquo; region for autonomous bodies and boards, for its excellent implementation of the Official Language.

Awards & Recognitions

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Sagar Shreshtha Samman for achieving the best performance for turnaround time during the year 2022-23 from @shipmin_india The event was held during the launch of Harit Sagar

We are thrilled to announce that #JNPA has been awarded 'Best Port of the Year - Containerised' at the prestigious India Maritime Awards organized by Daily Shipping Times! Shri Unmesh Sharad Wagh, IRS, Deputy Chairman, JNPA, graciously accepted the award

Our first chairperson, Late Ms. Anna Malhotra, was honored by Shri Shripad Naik, Honble Union Minister for State Tourism and Ports, Shipping and Waterways, on International Day for Women in Maritime! The award was received by our General Manager

Shining Star in the Maritime World! Awarded MAJOR PORT OF THE YEAR - CONTAINERISED CARGO at MALA Awards. A proud moment as Shri. Sanjay Sethi, IAS, Chairman, JNPA receives the honor, steering towards new horizons.

पत्तन, पोत परिवहन और जलमार्ग मंत्रालय की ओर से अपने अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों को राजभाषा शील्ड योजना के तहत पुरस्कार प्रदान किए जाते हैं । इसी योजना के तहत जनेपप्रा को वर्ष 2013-14 से 2017-18 तक लगातार पांच वर्ष प्रथम पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ था। आज दि. 29/07/2023 को विज्ञान भवन, नई दिल्ली में संपन्न हिंदी सलाहकार समिति की बैठक में मंत्री महोदय श्री सर्बानंद सोनोवाल जी के करकमलों से श्री संजय सेठी, आईएएस, अध्यक्ष, जनेपप्रा को शील्ड और प्रमाणपत्र प्रदान किया गया। साथ में श्रीमती. मनीषा जाधव, महा प्रबंधक (प्रशासन) एवं सचिव तथा राजभाषा अधिकारी, जनेपप्रा भी उपस्थित थे|

ET Now Infra Focus Award for and Most Admired Central Entity in the Infrastructure Sector (Ports)

JNPA has been awarded as the Port Of The Year at the Maritime Excellence Awards. A proud moment as Mr. Girish Thomas, General Manager, Traffic, JNPA receives the award. We are honoured to be recognized at the Maritime Excellence Awards 2023!

We're thrilled to share the news that we've been honored with the and First Prize for the Best Large Stall" at GMIS 2023! This is a source of pride for all of us. We were presented with this award by Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai, Minister of S

JNPA has been awarded the distinguished 'Samudra Paryavaran Sanrakshan Trophy 2023' by the Indian Coast Guard

We are elated to share #JNPA is acclaimed with the 'BEST Global Ports of INDIA – Public Sector' award at the 7th edition of ATAL SHASTRA MARKENOMY Award. Shri G. K. Das, Chief Manager (FINANCE), JNPA accepted the award on behalf of #JNPort.

We take immense pleasure to share #JNPA is acclaimed with the 'Major Port of the Year- Containers Port category' award, at the 9th edition of the Samudra Manthan Award. #JNPA HODs received the award on behalf of the #JNPort.

JNPA adds another feather to its cap; Bags the Most Admired Central Entity promoting PPP (Ports) award

We take immense pleasure to share that Our Chairman, Shri Sanjay Sethi, IAS, was honored with the 'Dynamic Port Personality Award' at the "Maritime and Logistics Awards 2022". His expertise and contribution have taken #JNPort to new heights.

We are elated to share that #JNPA received the 'Major Port of the Year- Containerized Port category' award, at the "Maritime and Logistics Awards 2022". Our Chairman, Shri Sanjay Sethi, IAS, received the award on behalf of the #JNPort #MALA2022

Samudra Manthan - 8th International Samudra Manthan Awards 2021, JNPA was awarded 'Major Port Of The Year (Container)'

India Maritime Summit - JNPA won the award for ''Best Port of the Year (Containerised)'' at the 5th India Maritime Summit

MALA - JNPA was awarded the best ''Major Port of the Year - Containerised Cargo'' by Maritime and Logistics Awards 2021

JNPT received an award for the 'Best Global Port in India' at the 6th Atal Shastra Markenomy Awards'20

JNPT recognised for serving the trade in Northern India for 3 decades, at the Northern India Multimodal Logistics Awards 2020 during the 12th CONquest Business Forum

JNPT bagged the prestigious 'Best Port of the Year' (Containerised) Award at India Maritime Awards'19.

JNPCT awarded 'Best Performer of the Year 2018-19' at the JNPT Annual Award Ceremony.

JNPT received 'MALA AWARD 2019' for Container Handling Port of the year.

JNPT wins 'Public port of the year (containers)' at Samudra Manthan awards.

JNPT received an award for the 'Best Global Port in India' at the 5th Atal Shastra Markenomy Awards'19.

JNPT wins the Best Container Terminal Port Award and Indian Maritime Personality of the Year at The Gateway Awards 2018.

JNPT awarded with the Best Port of the Year Containerized at India Maritime Award.

JNPT won Container Handling Port of The Year and Port Personality of the Year at the Maritime and Logistics Award.

The District Level Award for Implementation of Hindi as an Official Language 2018.


JNPT wins the "Best Container Terminal Port Award" and "Indian Maritime personality of the year" at The Gateway Awards 2018.

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, India’s Premier Container Port has won “SamudraManthan-Caring Organisation of the Year” award organised by Bhandarkar Shipping, which is the leading publication of the maritime industry and has played the role of a business an

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) was awarded the Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar for the year 2016-17 in the category of B & rsquo; region for autonomous bodies and boards, for its excellent implementation of the Official Language.